Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Me and My Writing

Over the last 25 years or so, I've written all sorts of things. It began when I went to nightschool when my children were young. I'd done a watercolour class and a stained glass class, and Creative Writing was the next one that appealed. I thought I might like it and I wouldn't need too much expensive equipment. I was right on both counts.

We started with memories and worked our way up to short stories. I enjoyed the meetings and the chat, and my tutor was very encouraging (thankyou, Annie Dalton!) She suggested that I apply for a Writer's Bursary; I did, and I got it, and things went on from there.

Children's Books
Literary Magazines

Things That Fall

I'm a restless person, never satisfied and always looking for the next thing. When I managed to get some short stories published, I wanted to try poetry. When I had poetry published, I tried writing children's fiction. When I won local competitions, I started entering national ones. I love learning and like the challenge of something new.

Big Night. Painting by Jemma Rix, poem by Helen Johnson
Big Night 
We are all out today
grooming Earth for a special occasion.
Tractors brush up the hillsides
the wood tries on a new hat
and I am shaving the lawn
in long, slow strokes. 
When evening comes she’s ready to go
dabbing on honeysuckle and jasmine
getting out the jewellery.

I've worked with other writers and poets, artists (the painting above was part of a collaborative exhibition with Jemma Rix, combining poems and pictures), teachers and learners. It's not always easy to write - or rather, it's often much easier to do something else! - but words inspire me. I'm glad I write.